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Here's What You're Getting:
TOTAL REAL VALUE: $2,580.10 Get Your 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge Pack: Just $140! |
Frequently Asked Questions
Still sitting on the fence? Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions...
How much space do I need for my workouts?
If you have about a 6 foot by 6 foot area, then that's more than enough room. So any average living room would be perfect.
What equipment do I need for my 22 Minute Hard Corps program?
That's the great thing about this program.
Because you need very, very limited equipment.All you need is a light set of dumbbells, and a pull up bar. Also, if you have hard wood floors, then you might want to consider getting a cheap yoga mat for the core exercises. If you have carpet, or a rug, then you don't need a mat.
As far as how heavy of dumbbells, I'd say starting out, two 8 pound dumbbells, or two 10 pound dumbbells is plenty. Because you're doing higher reps with back to back moves so you're not going to able to use super heavy weight.During your Private Email Coaching Program I'll be walking you through the equipment you need, where to get it, etc.
Will this really work for me based on my situation?
Now I don't know what your situation is...
But with your special bonus gifts, this offer is designed so that it's a true, complete system that takes care of a workout program, nutrition, and mindset.
And when you have those three things packaged up into a highly efficient system...
You do the workouts…
You follow the system…
You will get results. It will work for you.
Now the cool thing about taking this approach is that we DO NOT have to be perfect...we can be human, and not worry about perfection.
Also, no matter where you're at when it comes to your fitness level, 22 Minute Hard Corps will work for you.
Because if you're more advanced you can simply go all out during your workouts.
If you're just getting started and have a ton of weight lose, or you're just out of shape…
They do modified versions of all of the moves during the workouts. That way you can just do the best you can, and you will get results even if you're a beginner.
So no matter who you are…
No matter what your fitness level is…
This program will work for you.
I have X pounds to lose, can I lose it in 8 weeks through the program?
Quite honestly...
I have no idea.
Because nobody can guarantee that you'll lose any amount of weight in any time period…
Because there's just way too many factors that determine what your results will be.
It all depends on your body, it depends on how much weight you need to lose, it depends on how hard you push yourself during your workouts, it depends on if you do the workouts, it depends on if you follow the nutrition, and on and on and on.
Nobody can guarantee you with 100% certainty that you'll lose any amount of weight in any time period. If they do, they're trying to scam you so run away as fast as you can.
What I can guarantee you is this.
Guarantee #1: If you do nothing…Nothing will change.
Guarantee #2: If you put in the work…
If you stick with the workouts and do your best.
If you replace one meal a day with Shakeology.
If you follow the nutrition side of things the best you can (you don't have to be perfect).
If you stay plugged into our community and the steps I take you through as you go through the program…
You will get results.
As long as you're taking action, you will see positive changes. And I encourage you to not see this as one and done thing. That's how you end up right back where you started.
This is a trek, this is lifelong trek to becoming the best you possible so you live and very long, very happy, very fulfilling life.
If you think about everything that way, then no matter happens, as long as you're taking action, you will see results, you will succeed.
I want to just build muscle. Is 22 Minute Hard Corps right for me?
If you don't have a single ounce of fat to lose, and you JUST want to build muscle, then 22 Minute Hard Corps may not be the best option for you.
I have though seen guys add muscle with 22 Minute Hard Corps, but it still may not be the best option for you if you want to build a lot of muscle. Because there's another program that from my experience does a much better job of helping you to build muscle and I'd recommend that instead if that's your goal.
So if that's your main goal, to just pack on muscle, then click here, send me a quick message and let me know, and I'll hook you up with a program better suited for building muscle and packing on mass.
On the otherhand…
If you want to lose weight, burn away the fat, get toned/shredded, and even gain some muscle, then 22 Minute Hard Corps is definitely for you.
Even if you're not looking to lose weight, but you're looking to just maintain your muscle, while burning away excess fat, then this is a great program for you.
Lastly, if you want to just get stronger, faster, and healthier, then of course this program is for you.
How long are the workouts?
The main workouts are 22 minutes long.
There's also an optional bonus warm up that's about 10 minutes long that you can do before your daily main workout if you want.
Lastly, there's an optional 11 minute core workout where you work your abs and core that you can do twice a week if you want.
Is the nutrition plan hard to follow?
I'd say as far as how easy or how hard it is to follow the nutrition plan is different from person to person.
For me personally…when I got going it was challenging. Because I had no idea how to eat the right way except that I should be eating fruits and veggies.
That's all I knew going in.I grew up eating Pop Tart's for breakfast, eating Big Mac's & Whoppers for dinner, and that's how I ate right up until I started my journey to change.
I knew pretty much nothing before I began my transformation journey.
So it was challenging, and it was hard.
But the nutrition plan, and just this offer as a whole is like learning how to ride a bike.
It's not easy at first, but you have someone there Coaching you through it.
You will stumble…you will fall…but then you'll get it. And it gets easier, and easier, and easier, and then it's just second nature.
I will also add….the book I'm mailing out to you again for my wife and I was priceless.
The first program I ever did back in 2010, the nutrition guide that originally came with the program was to me, complicated.
So that book was lifesaver and it filled in a lot of missing pieces. It truly did change our lives and I think it might do the same for you.
I'm going out of town (next week, next month, etc) so I don't have time for this right now. Can I sign up later?
This special offer with your bonus gifts expire on or before the timer on this page hits zero (I reserve the right to pull this offer down at any moment).
Team Beachbody is always changing up their special deals and I have no control over that (your 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge Pack is a special package deal with discounted pricing).
So there's no guarantees. But what I recommend you do is this.
Even if you're going out of town next week, next month, whenever…or you don't have time to start the program immediately for whatever reason, I recommend you go ahead order it right now.
That way once you get back, or once you're ready…you'll have the program, and you'll have all the tools you need to get started.
Plus you'll get your bonus gifts, and graduation gifts and not have to worry about missing out on those.
I'd love to do this, but I'm already doing a workout program right now.
My question to you would then be…
Are you truly satisfied with your results thus far with your current workout program?
Are you happy with the speed of change you've been getting?
Is your current program a true, complete system?If you answered with a confident yes to all three questions, then CONGRATS.
You're on the right path, and I don't want to distract you from what you're doing right now. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. This isn't for you.
On the other hand…
If you answered no to any of the questions, then it sounds like what you're doing isn't working.
If you want change, then something has to change.
This is your opportunity for exactly that.
This is your opportunity to follow a true, complete systematic approach to your fitness so you finally get the results you want.
I already have a Team Beachbody workout program (like P90X, P90X2, P90X3, T25, etc.) that I'd rather do instead of 22 Minute Hard Corps.
I totally get this…
Because maybe you already have P90X, P90X3, or another Team Beachbody program that you've done in the past and you rather do that program again...
Or maybe you haven't done it at all (it's still sitting in the box), and you want to do it.
Either way, I say do it!
I support you 100%.
And the cool thing is…Even if you want to go that route, you can STILL can take advantage of having a complete, systematic approach so you get the best results possible.
Team Beachbody has another discounted challenge pack that comes with Shakeology.
So if that's the situation you're in, and you're serious about doing your workout program while also following a complete, systematic approach, then click here, send me a quick email, and let me know.
I'll then hook you up with the special link to the discounted Challenge Pack based on what you have so you can still get the bonus gifts, and still follow the systematic approach while getting a discount.
Will I get locked into the Shakeology subscription?
I'm always a little nervous about this when I sign up for subscriptions or I get free trials and such because I think most people have experienced the pain of trying to cancel something, and it was really hard to do with someone making you jump through a bunch hoops, or trying to convince you otherwise.
You're not going to experience that with Team Beachbody.
If you ever want to cancel any subscriptions, it's really really easy to do.
You're never locked in, and you can cancel at anytime for any reason, and it takes just a few minutes to do.
You also don't have to talk to anyone so you don't have to worry about someone trying to convince you to stick around.
If you do ever want to cancel…
Just click the Contact link that is on any page of my website, send me a quick message and let me know…I'll then email you the link to the super short form on Team Beachbody's website (again it takes just a minute or two to fill out) so you can cancel whatever you want to cancel.
Or, you can just go directly to Team Beachbody's website and click the Help/FAQ's link at the top of their website, and that will take you to where you can reach out to them and cancel.
Of course though…You might end up like me and end up becoming a lifelong customer…which of course is a great thing. Because you're working on improving your health and fitness constantly which we know what that leads to.
Have More Questions?
If you still have a question, then just look in your email and reply directly to any of my emails that I’ve sent you.
So just let me know…This special offer will be going away, and I'd hate for you to miss out just because you have an unanswered question.
Also, if you're still unsure if this is right for you, then again reply to any of my emails I’ve sent you and just let me know. I’d be happy to help you figure out if this is a good fit for you or not.
If for some reason you're not happy (for any reason at all), simply call or email Team Beachbody customer service within 30 days and you can return it for a full refund of the purchase price (less any s&h).
Plus just for giving it a try, you'll get to keep all five Cardio and Core workouts, plus the Rations For Results Nutrition Field Guide as free gifts even if you return everything else.
ON TOP OF THAT, I will personally pay for the return shipping for you to send everything back to Team Beachbody, AND I will give you $100.00 for your time.
All that I ask is that you just show verifiable proof that you used the system exactly as it's laid out.
Just do the workouts, replace one meal a day with Shakeology, put the entire system to work...and if you don't get results, let me know and I'll pay for your return shipping plus give you $100.00 for your time.
So how is that for a guarantee?
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The obvious, but required disclaimers...
Presented by an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.
Results may vary. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition. Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program or using any supplement or meal replacement product. The testimonials featured may have used more than one Beachbody product or extended the program to achieve their results. The information on our websites is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace the advice of a healthcare professional. If you experience any pain or difficulty with exercises or diet, stop and consult your healthcare provider. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.The views and opinions of authors, trainers, experts and any other contributors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect the attitudes and opinions of Team Beachbody or Beachbody.
These views and opinions shall not be attributed to or otherwise endorsed by Team Beachbody or Beachbody, and may not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes without the express, written consent of Beachbody.
© Beachbody, LLC is the owner of the Shakeology, Healthiest Meal of the Day, Beachbody and Team Beachbody trademarks, and all related designs, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property
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