Phewww!!! I’m for the most part finished setting up my P90X Workout Blog. It has taken a lot longer then I had expected. It will definitely always be a work in progress though.
Now it’s time to start counting down the days until I officially start the P90X workout! The date that I have set on when I’ll start P90X is on Sunday, January 17th, 2009. It will be a tight fit to get the 1st workout in on that day, but I’ll make it work. I have Coast Guard that weekend (I’m in the Coast Guard Reserves) so I’ll be back home around noon on Sunday. Then in the evening, we will be having a Wine & Cheese (we’re so sophisticated :-)) at our home with some friends from church. I’ll have to definitely limit the wine & unhealthy snacks as much as possible so I can get off to a good start.
The only P90X gear that I still need are my yoga blocks for the P90X Yoga X workout. I ordered them a little bit late, but I’m expecting them to arrive before I get to that workout. I pretty sure that I have all of the other P90X equipment items that I’ll need.
Lastly, I’ll probably be doing the P90X Fit Test on Wednesday. I’ll make sure to post my results (even if they aren’t so great).
I’m ready to BRING IT! Are you?