
How I Feel After 7 Days Of Intermittent Fasting

intermittent-fasting-update-small“Breakfast is the most IMPORTANT meal of the day!”

If you want to burn fat…

“You must eat 6 small meals a day.”

For the past 7 days now I’ve been breaking those two cardinal rules for weight loss, and just being “healthy.”

I’ve been conducting an experiment with something called Intermittent Fasting (you can read about it here).

But in a nutshell I’ve ONLY been eating from 12pm to 8pm daily.

That’s it.

That means no breakfast.

And I haven’t been eating 6 small meals a day (I typically don’t do that anyways).

So how do I feel?

What are my results so far?

How do I feel after 7 days of intermittent fasting?


I feel awesome. :-)

The first day was the hardest since my body was having to re-adjust to this new eating pattern…

But after that…

– I don’t feel hungry in the mornings when I’d normally eat breakfast (I do though start getting hungry as it approaches 12pm, but that’s exactly how I felt back when I was eating first thing in the morning).

– I don’t feel tired in the mornings.

– I feel like I have MORE energy (no way to measure this objectively, but I feel good in the mornings).

– I have MORE TIME in the mornings to do stuff which is awesome (I have an extra 45 minutes in the mornings which is huge).

In a nutshell…

This has been wayyyyyyyyyy easier to do then I thought.

So the next question is…

Will intermittent fasting help me to burn fat?

At this point I have no idea.

BUT…I will know the answer to that in the next few weeks…


I believe in you.

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