I get people leaving comments and emailing me all the time asking me, “Does P90X work?” I get all kinds of variations of this “Does P90X work” question such as…Does P90X work if I don’t follow the nutrition guide? Does P90X work if I’m not trying to lose weight? Etc, etc, etc.
So, in this post I want to give you the low down on this P90X program. I’m going to answer some of the most common “Does P90X work” questions and most importantly, I’ll give you the scoop on whether P90X will for for YOU!Continue reading
I see SOO many people jumping into P90X without doing the critical steps that they need to do so that they set themselves up for success. There is no beating around the bush. P90X is an EXTREME program. This isn’t some type of fad workout, or one of those goofy 80’s dance workouts. This is an extreme program that gives extreme results. Period.
However, you will only get those extreme results if you follow the program as it’s laid out and you do ALL 90 days! Doing a few weeks or even a month and then quitting won’t give you results. Doing whatever workouts you feel like doing whenever you can won’t give you the results. Ok, maybe you’ll get some results, but definitely NOT the kind of results if you had followed the program as it’s laid out (that includes the workouts AND the nutrition!).
So…if you’re absolutely serious about losing the weight. If you’re absolutely serious about getting toned, getting ripped, or even bulking up…If you’re absolutely serious about getting into the best shape of your life so you can live a long, happy, healthy life with your kids (or future kids), with your spouse (or future spouse), and with your family and friends, then it will behoove you to follow these steps on how to start P90X the RIGHT way.Continue reading
P90X Workout Schedule
You looking for the P90X workout schedule? If so, then you’re at the right place! On this page I’m going to give you way more than just the P90X workout schedule. I’m going to explain the different versions of P90X, I’m going to help you decide which version is best for you, and I’m going to help set you up for success so that you complete ALL 90 days of the program.
The fact of the matter is, if you don’t finish all 90 days of the program, then the likelihood of you accomplishing your goals (your whole reasons for doing P90X) will be slim to none.
So how bad do you want to accomplish those goals? How bad do you want to lose the weight, get toned, or get ripped? How bad do you want to get into the best shape of your life so that you can live as long, healthy of a life possible? If you really, truly want to accomplish your goals then read this “P90X workout schedule” post for beginning to end and TAKE ACTION!Continue reading
Taking your P90X measurements and your P90X before pictures are so so SOOO, very important! This is a critical step that a lot of people skip. They get so excited about starting P90X that they jump right into the workouts without doing the prep work. This is a BIG no no since the people that skip this step are usually the people that end up quitting and not finishing the program (and therefore NOT accomplishing their goals). DON’T become one of those people! Take the 10 or 15 minutes that it takes to do these easy, simple steps so that you are more likely to complete all 90 days of P90X and accomplish your goals whether it be to lose weight, get toned, or even to get ripped and bulked up.
So read on, because I’ll give you a few more reasons why you MUST take your P90X measurements and your P90X before pictures, and I’ll also tell you exactly how to take them.Continue reading
So what the heck is the P90X Fitness Test? The P90X Fitness Test is the starting point with P90X. This the test you take prior to starting the program to make sure you are physically ready to do P90X. It will also help you to track the progress you’ve made with the program. At the end of 90 days with P90X you’ll be re-taking the P90X Fitness Test which will show you how much you’ve improved as a result of the program.
By the way, if you are researching how to take the P90X Fitness Test, you are obviously about to start the program (or deciding between a program). So I want to just say CONGRATS! Congrats for committing to creating a healthier, stronger YOU! To give yourself an added edge or advantage so you are more likely to stick with the program, make sure you create a free Team Beachbody account here. By doing so, you’ll get me as your personal success Coach and you’ll gain access to all kinds of helpful, free tools to help keep you motivated and so you ultimately succeed and accomplish your goals.Continue reading
So what equipment do you need for P90X? I’m assuming that you’ve obviously committed to starting P90X, so CONGRATS! The P90X workout is an incredible program that has changed my life (not to sound cliché) and it has transformed tens of thousands (if not hundreds and hundreds of thousands) of other people’s lives. I’ve been doing the program for over a year and a half now and I’m truly in the best shape of my life because of it.
If you are serious about getting the results you want with the program, then you must be prepared and have everything you need to do the program before you actually start. You don’t want to not be able to do some of the workouts or exercises because you don’t have the equipment that you need for P90X. “What equipment do you need for P90X,” is a question I get all the time so I’m going to go over exactly that in this blog post!Continue reading