Looking to get a P90X coupon code, P90X promo code or a Beachbody coupon code? Well unfortunately, to my knowledge there aren’t any P90X coupon codes available, but there are discounts available for the P90X and all other Beachbody products. There is a 10% discount available and a 25% discount available. Continue reading to find out how to get these discounts.
Below is the minimum P90X gear that you’ll need to get through the program:
Phewww!!! I’m for the most part finished setting up my P90X Workout Blog. It has taken a lot longer then I had expected. It will definitely always be a work in progress though.
Now it’s time to start counting down the days until I officially start the P90X workout! The date that I have set on when I’ll start P90X is on Sunday, January 17th, 2009. Continue reading