
Michi’s Ladder – Your Food Substitution Guide

Michis LadderSo what in the heck is Michi’s Ladder? You may have heard of this Michi’s Ladder thing and curious as to what in the world it is. When I initially heard “Michis Ladder” I immediately thought it was some type of magic trick similar to Jacob’s Ladder (with the thin blocks that are tied together by ribbon as seen here). Well, obviously that isn’t what it is, rather it has to do with your nutrition and choosing the right foods to eat. In this blog post I’ll cover exactly what Michi s Ladder is, how to use it, and I’ll show you how to get the most current version of Michi’s Ladder.

What Is Michi’s Ladder?

Michi’s ladder is an ultra simple food substitution guide. It is not an eating plan or diet (so you will still need to follow some type of healthy eating plan), rather it’s a guide that will tell what foods you should be eating. Also, Michis Ladder isn’t a stale, old guide that hasn’t been updated for years and years. It’s a living breathing document that changes as the science and research behind proper nutrition changes and evolves (since it is indeed always changing).

Who Is Michi’s Ladder For?

Michi’s Ladder was designed for people looking to lose weight, but it can also be used by virtually anyone who wants to ensure they eat clean, healthy, nutrient dense foods. I want to quickly re-iterate that this is NOT an eating plan. You could eat only food that is from Tier 1 of Michis Ladder (as you’ll see below) and still have a poor diet. You have to still follow an eating plan that ensures you get enough protein, fat, carbs, etc. This is simply a substitution guide to help you make healthier food choices.

How To Use Michi’s Ladder?

Using Michis Ladder is very simple. If you’re looking to lose weight, then you’ll want to simply substitute the foods you are eating with similar foods from tier 1 & tier 2. The more food that you eat in tier 1 and tier 2, the more likely is it that you will lose weight. The reason that you’ll want to focus on these two tiers is that these are some of the most nutrient dense foods that have the least calories. So there are healthy foods in some of the lower tiers, but again, if you’re trying to lose weight, you’ll want to take in the most nutrients dense foods that have the least amount of calories in them.

If you’re an athlete or if you are just trying to maintain your weight or even gain muscle, then you will likely need to eat more foods in the lower tiers to ensure you take in enough calories.

Lastly, when you are cooking these foods they should never be fried. When you fry foods they are dropped automatically into tier 5 no matter how healthy the food is. Therefore, food should be eaten raw, grilled, steamed, baked, poached, or broiled.

Here’s a few screenshots of tier 1 & tier 2 of Michis Ladder-

Michis Ladder Tier 1:

michi s ladder

Michi’s Ladder Tier 2:

michi's ladder


Where To Get Michis Ladder

1. Create a Free Team Beachbody Account by clicking here.

2. Once logged into your account (at, go to the Eat Smart category, and the click on Michi’s Ladder to view the complete most up to date version.

Also, if you’d like to have a PDF version of the most current Michis Ladder, let me know after you create your free Team Beachbody account and I’ll be glad to email it to you.

I hope that you found this blog post on Michis Ladder helpful! If my “Michi s Ladder” blog post was helpful to you, then make sure to share it by clicking any of the links below!

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