
P90X Day 56 Completed: Rest or X Stretch

Today is day 56 of my P90X workout, and it was X Stretch or a Rest Day. Since I’m still feeling pretty crappy, I decided I would just use today as a rest day so hopefully I’ll be energized and ready to start Phase 3 tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the first day of month 3 of P90X! I’m really starting to get to the home stretch of P90X, which is hard to believe! Phase 3 of P90X is a lot different that the other Phases. Usually during the first 3 weeks of a Phase I’m doing the same weekly workouts, and then there is a Recovery Week. With Phase 3, each week I’m switching from the workout I did during the first 3 weeks of Phase 1 to the workout I did during the first 3 weeks of Phase 2. That sounds a little confusing, so this image should clear things up-

P90X Classic Phase 3

P90X Classic Phase 3

This looks like a very intense month, but it’s designed that way so you can get maximum results during the last 30 days. After the four weeks above I’ll have one more recovery week, and then I’ll be done P90X! Well I need to go retake my measurements, and retake new photos so I can see my P90X results so far! I’ll try to get my P90X results update posted today.

Nutrition for today-

Breakfast: Bowl of Fiber One cereal, and a protein shake.

Mid-Morning: Protein shake.

Lunch: Turkey sandwich with provolone cheese, and extra virgin olive oil dressing.

Mid-Afternoon: Protein shake.

Dinner: I have no clue what we’ll be having for dinner this evening!

After-Dinner: Protein shake.

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