
2 BIG BIG updates.

Got 2 BIG BIG, HUGE updated for you! These updates mean you and I getting the body of our dreams…FASTER, EASIER, & TASTIER…you’ll know what I mean in a moment :-)

My wife and I recently got back from the Beachbody Coach Summit in Las Vegas and I wanted to quickly share with you the 2 big updates that came from that event that are game changers for you and I.

But first, check out this view from stage-

Team Beachbody Coach View From Stage

I snapped this picture when I was on stage getting recognized for moving up the ranks as a Team Beachbody Coach.

I gotta say…after being a Coach now for 3 years and 6 months…I have loved every bit of it. I love the company. I love the products, and I love the people.

There’s just something about helping people….Helping people get into the best shape of their lives so they can live longer, happier, healthier lives…

There’s just something so dang fulfilling about that. :-) AND, I get major accountability for my own fitness journey, AND I get paid for it. How freakin cool is that?

Lastly, check out this picture-

Team TREK2BEFIT Dinner

This is shot of just of a few of our teammates at a dinner we had at this place called the Pink Taco (for real…that’s the name of it).

…And I do admit, I did end up having one too many margaritas at that place (hey it was $5 margarita so hard to pass up).

OK…now for the big announcements…

Update #1 of 2 – VANILLA Shakeology is here babey!!! :-)

As I’ll be revealing to you in the coming days, I have NOT been moving forward in my fitness journey over the past 60 days or so. I’ll be sharing more on why, what’s happened in a blog post soon, so stay tuned.

BUT, despite that, I have continued using Shakeology. I absolutely LOVE it and wouldn’t go a day without it.

I’ve been using the Tropical Shakeology and the Chocolate Shakeology. I love both of those flavors, but, I had always dreamed and hoped they would come out with a Vanilla flavor.

Well…they FINALLY did it.

I highly encourage you to check out the below video with all the details of why it was so HARD to come up with a HEALTHY Vanilla Shakeology-

If you want a SUPER easy way to get the nutrition your body needs…so you can lose weight, or just maintain your overall health and fitness, then buy Shakeology now.

I personally tried the Vanilla Shakeology with NOTHING added (just good ole’ blended ice & water) and it tastes GREAT. I’m super picky too when it comes to flavor.

After clicking here, just chose the Vanilla flavor and I recommend you getting it on the Autoship so you never run out and so you get free shipping for life.

Also…USE the dang thing EVERY day when you get it. THAT…is how you will benefit from it.

Update #2 of 2 – 25 Minute Daily Workout…SHAUN T Style!

One of the biggest EXCUSES…I mean “reasons” people tell me they can’t workout is…can I get a guess?


Well, you and I can’t use that excuse anymore. Because we’ve now got-


Check it out-

>>Click Here If You’re Ready To Take The Focus T25 Challenge<<

I literally JUST ordered T25 and I WILL be doing this program. I’m excited.

Aight, that’s all the updates I have for you now.

But I will say…I’ve got SO SO SO much more to share with you (I’ve been on a hiatus for the past year so what do you expect? :-))

TOGETHER as a community, you, me and EVERYONE else…we’re going to get into the best shape of lives.


Jonathan “Your Success Coach” Register OUT.

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