
Category Archives for Nutrition

5 Mistakes That Will Make You Fat

Count me guilty. I’ve done at least every one of these, and I’m not ashamed of it. I’ve realized that it’s a part of the culture we’ve all grown up in. Sometimes it’s sheer laziness. Either way, these 5 things will make it very difficult for you to achieve your fitness goals. Are you guilty of any of them?

1.) Not Eating. It’s ironic that I consider this to be the number one mistake you can make if you’re trying to lose fat. After all, you’re supposed to be taking in less food, not more, so doesn’t it kind of make sense to skip a few meals?

Not at all. The problem isn’t eating. You need to eat. It’s just that when we eat, we tend to eat too much, and what we eat usually isn’t very good for us. The problem only gets worse when we’re hungry. That’s when we lose all control and devour whatever is in front of us. If you haven’t prepared anything ahead of time, it’ll probably be junk food.Continue reading

How To Eat Healthy With A Crazy Schedule

If there’s one thing that will never change about eating healthy, it’s this. You have to cook, and you have to cook a lot. There’s no way around it. The good stuff is the stuff you make at home with fresh ingredients, and the bad stuff is pre-packaged and processed. Simple as that.

I find it funny that so many people I know avoid healthy food choices, not because they don’t taste good, but because they require so much preparation. We live in a go go go world, and most people don’t want to be stuck in the kitchen.

Fair enough. I don’t either. I’m a very busy guy too, and that’s why I’ve learned how to adapt my healthy eating habits to my hectic and sometimes downright impossible schedule. With a few small adjustments to your ordinary cooking schedule, you can too.Continue reading

Michi’s Ladder – Your Food Substitution Guide

Michis LadderSo what in the heck is Michi’s Ladder? You may have heard of this Michi’s Ladder thing and curious as to what in the world it is. When I initially heard “Michis Ladder” I immediately thought it was some type of magic trick similar to Jacob’s Ladder (with the thin blocks that are tied together by ribbon as seen here). Well, obviously that isn’t what it is, rather it has to do with your nutrition and choosing the right foods to eat. In this blog post I’ll cover exactly what Michi s Ladder is, how to use it, and I’ll show you how to get the most current version of Michi’s Ladder.Continue reading

Skinny Fat – Are You Showing The Symptoms?

Do you suffer from the skinny fat syndrome? I personally was affected by the skinny fat syndrome for years and years until I finally decided to make some changes and take control of my health and fitness. For the longest time I didn’t even realize I was skinny fat. Everyone around me told me I was “skinny” and that I didn’t need to exercise. I even believed them because I wasn’t overweight or obese so I was healthy right? Absolutely not! I was among the 30 MILLION Americans who suffer from the skinny fat syndrome and I didn’t even know it. Luckily, there is a cure for this self induced ailment which I will be revealing to you in this blog post.

Skinny Fat Symptoms

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P90X Nutrition Guide – Should You Follow It?

P90X Nutrition Guide

P90X Nutrition Guide

I tend to get quite a bit of questions on the P90X Nutrition Guide so I figured it was about time that I put together a blog post on it. On this page I’ll let you know if it is really worth the time and effort to follow it, and I’ll go over some solutions if you lost your P90X Nutrition Guide, or your friend stole it, etc.

P90X Nutrition Guide – Should You Follow It?

The very short and sweet answer to if you should follow the P90X Nutrition Guide is YES! Here’s the long and very blunt and honest answer…If you are TRULY serious about getting results with the P90X workout, then you MUST follow the P90X Nutrition guide or some other high protein, clean and healthy eating plan (I’ll go over a few P90X Nutrition Plan alternatives later in this post). Following a healthy eating plan is JUST as important as doing your daily P90X workouts.Continue reading

Shakeology Nutrition Facts – The Shocking Details!

reviews of shakeologyThe one thing that people really should look at before using Shakeology is the Shakeology nutrition facts. Since we’re talking about facts here, I have to be honest with you. When I initially heard about Shakeology I was very skeptical because it sounded like a bunch of hype. I heard a ton of amazing reviews on this product, but I just had a feeling that maybe it was too good to be true. It wasn’t until I took a deep look at the Shakeology nutrition facts that I knew it wasn’t just a bunch of hype…the Shakeology ingredients and Shackology nutrition facts tells the true story on what this stuff can do for you.

The basics of this stuff is that it has 17 grams of carbs, 17 grams of protein, and only 140 calories per serving. It is advertised as a meal replacement that can help you to lose excess weight, reduce food cravings, increase your energy, improve regularity and digestion, as well as to lower cholesterol. Those are some bold claims so let’s dig deeper and go over some of the highlights of what’s inside ShakeologyContinue reading