I’ve gotta be honest…my P90X2 workout yesterday SUCKED!!!
Check out this quick video to learn WHY it sucked and how you can make sure your workouts don’t suck! :-)
Good news though is that something really cool happened to me today. Check it out now to get the 411-Continue reading
Wow. It’s crazy how fast time is flying by! I’m coming to the end of week 2 of Phase 2 of P90X2! I wanted to give everyone a quick update on my journey and I want to hear how YOUR journey is going too!
So a big question a lot of people have been asking me is…
What do I think of the P90X Phase 2 workouts?
The simple answer is…Continue reading
YO! Phase 1 of P90X2 is…Officially…DONE!!! I am SO fired up to be going into Phase 2! In this blog post I want to let you know how Phase 1 of P90X2 went, and then give you a quick recap on how Chest + Back + Balance went (my first workout of Phase 2).
I’ll be honest…the first week of Phase 1 of P90X2 was pretty frustrating. Why? Because I was doing BRAND new moves that involved a TON of balance (a MAJOR weakness of mine). So during the workouts I was doing lots of pausing and rewinding, pausing and rewinding, so I could learn the new moves. As a result of having to do that I felt like I wasn’t getting as good of a workout as I usually do.Continue reading
X2 Total Body is D-D-D-DONE! Check out this short and sweet update of how this workout went…
P90X2 Results are here! Not! :-) As of the writing of this blog post, today is officially week 2 of my journey with the P90X2 workout program.
So while I don’t have my final P90X2 results to share with you yet, I did want to show you my P90X2 before pics and create this page to be the home of where I post my final P90X2 results. I’m also hoping to feature the P90X2 results of a few others from our community.
You’re more then welcome to read what I have so far on this page, but make sure before you leave to leave a comment below and let me know what kind of P90X2 results you are working towards…Continue reading
X2 Balance + Power
X2 Balance + Power TIME! Today is day 6 of my journey with the P90X2 workout. Week 1 is for the most part DONE and in the books. I say “for the most part” because tomorrow is rest or X2 Recovery + Mobility, but I’ll definitely be doing the X2 Recovery + Mobility workout (it’s an awesome stretching routine).
So far the X2 Balance + Power workout is my SECOND favorite workout in the P90X2 workout program so far (right behind X2 Total Body). It’s an ultra challenging workout, but it incorporates lots of resistance training which I love.Continue reading