
P90X Day 63 Completed: Rest or X Stretch

Atlantic Ocean SunsetWell, today is day 63 of my P90X workout and it ended up being a rest day for me! I was hoping that maybe this would be the weekend that they serve somewhat healthy food during my Coast Guard drills, but so far it’s been exactly like P90X day 35.

For breakfast I had a big bowl of Fiber One cereal and a protein shake (I had that before I left my home this morning). For lunch I had 2 chicken wraps which weren’t too bad, but I wasn’t able to eat until about 1:30 (after eating breakfast at about 6AM) so I was starving! For dinner we had exactly the same thing we had last month, which was pizza and chicken wings. I ended up eating 2 slices of pizza, and about 3 or 4 chicken wings (definitely horrible for my P90X diet). I think tomorrow for breakfast I’m going to make myself a protein shake (it’ll unfortunately be just protein powder & water since I don’t have any milk), and I’m going to eat 1 or 2 of the Fiber One bars I brought. I’m sure that will be much better than anything they’ll be serving!

At least the weather has been gorgeous today! Today we had a high of 76 degrees! We were able to take the boat out on the water earlier today so that was really fun! If I have some time this evening I might just go out for a jog!

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