Jen doing her P90X Pull Ups!
I am officially at the last week of my second round of the P90X workout! My wife Jen is also back from her mission trip to Buckingham, Virginia! :-) She went there with a pretty big group from her church to help do home repairs for people in need in the community. Check out the picture of her showing off her pull ups to everyone on a tree limb!
She is home for about a week and then she is leaving again to go to Jamaica for a week on another mission trip! This trip she is going with a smaller group from her church. She loves helping out others, and I’m extremely proud of her for what she’s been doing.
So back to P90X! Last week should have been an awesome week of workouts since it was the last week of the main workouts, but honestly I don’t feel I did my best during some of the workouts. As you may have read during my P90X Week 12 update post I started the week off not having much motivation to workout. I still did the workout and pushed through it, but it was a constant mental battle. Then on Thursday (Legs & Back day), it wasn’t that I didn’t want to workout, it just wasn’t on the top of my priority list. When I finally started doing the workout, I honestly probably only gave 50% effort. I did just enough to get by so I could get the workout done and continue with the things I needed to get done.
Ok, after I just re-read the above paragraph, it’s very negative, so I figured I should stop and look at the positive events of last week! Monday was Plyometrics and I killed the workout! As crazy as it sounds, Plyometrics is actually getting somewhat easy (I never thought I’d be saying that)! I still sweat like crazy, and my legs burn from all of the squats, but it doesn’t seem as hard. That is a huge accomplishment for me, since that workout used to be extremely hard for me. Also, on Friday instead of doing Kenpo X, I did Kenpo Cardio Plus from P90X Plus. The moves are definitely a lot harder then Kenpo X (I think it’ll take a few times of doing the workout for me to get them down), but I got an incredible workout from it.
After taking a step back and looking at the positive events from last week, I actually think I had a much better week than I originally thought. I still don’t think I gave Legs & Back 100%, but I’m going to step up and do that workout again this week (I think I’m going to replace one of the Core Synergistics workout with Legs & Back). Maybe you had a few rough workouts or even a bad week. I bet if you stopped and looked for some positive accomplishments you’ll find that it wasn’t as bad of a week as you thought. Don’t just look at the negative side of things! If you only gave a workout 50%, do what it takes to make sure you give it 150% next time. Great job with your workouts and keep pushing play!