
P90X vs P90X2

P90X vs P90X2

P90X vs P90X2

P90X vs P90X2…is one better then the other? Should you jump straight into P90X2 versus starting with P90X? Those are just a few of the questions I’ve gotten with the release of P90X2. There is no doubt that P90X2 is going to be an incredible program, but does that mean it’s for everyone? Absolutely not!

In this post I’m going to give you a P90X vs P90X2 comparison so you can determine which one is right for you.

P90X vs P90X2 From The Man Himself

Watch this video first from the man himself, Tony Horton. He gives an awesome P90X vs P90X2 comparison-


Just seeing the P90X vs P90X2 video from Tony Horton FIRES me up even more for P90X2 and gets me even more anxious for it to arrive at my doorstep. If after seeing that, you know P90X2 is right for you, then you can click the following button to get yourself a copy-

[button color=”red” border=”#555″ button size=”medium” style=”tick” link=”″ window=”yes”]Click Here To Order P90X2[/button] [highlight]*BONUS – You’ll get 2 FREE workout DVD’s when you order through my site.[/highlight]


If you still have no idea which one is right for you at this point, then keep on reading since I’m going to give you a comparison chart and then go into a P90X vs P90X2 Q & A.

P90X vs P90X2 Comparison Chart

Here’s a P90X vs P90X2 comparison chart that I put together that covers some of the basic differences between P90X and P90X2-

P90X P90X2
Goal Of Program
Get you into the best shape of your life Increase your athletic performance, which will as a byproduct get you into even better shape
Style Of Workouts
Muscle confusion with resistance, plyometric, cardio, and yoga training Same as P90X, but adds in P.A.P. training (Post Activation Potentiation)
# Of Phases
3 set 30 day phases 3 more flexible phases of 3-6 weeks (with individual goals for each phase)
Workout Schedule
6 days a week, 1 rest/stretch day 5 days a week (more recovery time needed)
# Of Workouts 12 workouts 12 workouts (plus 2 additional extreme workouts available)
Length Of Yoga Workout
75 minutes 60 minutes
Nutrition Plan
Included Included, but incorporates latest in sports nutrition science, and has vegan and grain free options
Minimum Equipment Needed
Additional Recommended Equipment
    Everything recommended for P90X plus-
Recommended Supplements
Price $119.85 $119.85


As you can see in the above P90X vs P90X2 comparison chart, they have basically enhanced the original P90X and given us a whole new extreme program to do that incorporates the latest in sports science. Plus they’ve given us the weekend to do whatever the heck we want (go rock climbing, hiking, whatever), shortened the Yoga, and added more options to the P90X2 nutrition guide.

Lastly, for the travelers they’ve made sure to show us modifications for all of the exercises in P90X2 so you can literally just do the program in a hotel room with some resistance bands.

P90X vs P90X2 Q & A

So now I want to get into some common P90X vs P90X2 questions that I get so hopefully I can help you decide which is right for you.

It’s been years since I worked out, which program should I do? – P90X vs P90X2

Then you definitely should start with P90X vs P90X2 or even start with Power 90. To determine if you should do P90X or Power 90, go to this post and watch the video – P90 workout.

I have done the Insanity workout, but I haven’t done P90X, can I do P90X2? – P90X vs P90X2

If you can handle the extreme in Insanity, then you should be prepared for the extreme in P90X2. Insanity is a whole different kind of extreme (it’s an all out cardio based program), but despite that, you should be able to get through P90X2 after Insanity.

Is P90X2 better then P90X? – P90X vs P90X2

P90X2 is an enhancement from the original P90X and builds upon the original program. While there are some improvements (more options in the nutrition guide, etc.), I wouldn’t say that one is better then the other. I’ll still be incorporating the P90X workouts into my workout routine after I do a few rounds of P90X2.

How many rounds of P90X should I do before I do P90X2? – P90X vs P90X2

It’s really up to you. If P90X2 had been out after my first round of P90X, then I would have gone ahead and moved onto P90X2. It’s really a personal preference and depends on you.

P90X vs P90X2 – Let’s Wrap Things Up

I hope my “P90X vs P90x2” post has given you a better idea on which program you should do. P90X2 is not for beginners and should only be attempted by people who have gone through the original P90X or another extreme program (like Insanity). So don’t be a hero and try to immediately jump into P90X2. There’s a very high probability that you’ll injure yourself by doing that, so don’t do it! Start with P90X or even Power 90.

If you’ve made the decision and you’re ready to BRING IT, then use the following links to order (you’ll get me as your personal success Coach and the backing of the TREK2BEFIT community-

[button color=”red” border=”#555″ button size=”medium” style=”tick” link=”” window=”yes”]Click Here To Order **P90X**[/button] [highlight]*BONUS – You’ll get 2 FREE workout DVD’s when you order through my site.[/highlight]


[button color=”red” border=”#555″ button size=”medium” style=”tick” link=”″ window=”yes”]Click Here To Order **P90X2**[/button] [highlight]*BONUS – You’ll get 2 FREE workout DVD’s when you order through my site.[/highlight]


If you still have no idea whether to go with P90X vs P90X2, then leave me a comment below and I’d be glad to help! Decide. Commit. Succeed. Let’s DO IT!

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