Ab Ripper X
Ab Ripper X! This is the main ab workout in the super intense P90X workout that only crazies attempt. Just kidding! As of this writing I’ve been through multiple rounds of P90X and have been doing the program over the course of a few years now.
It’s an extreme program that gives extreme results IF you follow the program as it’s laid out. I get a ton of questions regarding “Ab Ripper X” so I want to answer some of the most common questions I get on this workout. If you’re doing P90X, make sure to read this post in it’s entirety, and at the end, leave me a comment and let me know how you’re doing with Ab Ripper X.Continue reading
P90X Plyometrics
P90X Plyometrics was one of those workouts that I initially dreaded and HATED when I first started P90X. Why did I dread P90X Plyometrics? Because it targeted my two weakest points…cardio and my legs. When I first started P90X I had little endurance (I hated running and I’m still not a big fan today), and I had little dinky legs with not much leg strength.
So after I did P90X Plyometrics for the very first time I literally could barely walk the next day due to pain from the soreness. Has that happened to you with P90X Plyometrics? Have you done P90X Plyometrics and then been super extremely sore from it the next day and had a hard time walking?
That is very normal with “P90X Plyometrics” especially if you’re doing it for the first time. For a lot of people (myself included) when doing this workout for the first time, it’s one of the hardest workouts you’ve ever done. You just don’t do stuff like this in gym class! :-)Continue reading
I see SOO many people jumping into P90X without doing the critical steps that they need to do so that they set themselves up for success. There is no beating around the bush. P90X is an EXTREME program. This isn’t some type of fad workout, or one of those goofy 80’s dance workouts. This is an extreme program that gives extreme results. Period.
However, you will only get those extreme results if you follow the program as it’s laid out and you do ALL 90 days! Doing a few weeks or even a month and then quitting won’t give you results. Doing whatever workouts you feel like doing whenever you can won’t give you the results. Ok, maybe you’ll get some results, but definitely NOT the kind of results if you had followed the program as it’s laid out (that includes the workouts AND the nutrition!).
So…if you’re absolutely serious about losing the weight. If you’re absolutely serious about getting toned, getting ripped, or even bulking up…If you’re absolutely serious about getting into the best shape of your life so you can live a long, happy, healthy life with your kids (or future kids), with your spouse (or future spouse), and with your family and friends, then it will behoove you to follow these steps on how to start P90X the RIGHT way.Continue reading
P90X Shakeology -There’s a lot of people out there like myself using Shakeology while they are doing P90X. It’s an incredible combination and will help you to achieve some pretty amazing results. Shakeology can be used as a snack or even as a meal replacement. It’s awesome stuff and one of the few supplements that I literally recommend to everyone who is serious about their health and fitness.
I tend to get a lot of questions regarding “P90X Shakeology” and how to combine the two. In this post I’m going to answer some of those questions and I want to show you how to combine Shakeology with P90X to achieve the best results possible.Continue reading
P90X Workout Schedule
You looking for the P90X workout schedule? If so, then you’re at the right place! On this page I’m going to give you way more than just the P90X workout schedule. I’m going to explain the different versions of P90X, I’m going to help you decide which version is best for you, and I’m going to help set you up for success so that you complete ALL 90 days of the program.
The fact of the matter is, if you don’t finish all 90 days of the program, then the likelihood of you accomplishing your goals (your whole reasons for doing P90X) will be slim to none.
So how bad do you want to accomplish those goals? How bad do you want to lose the weight, get toned, or get ripped? How bad do you want to get into the best shape of your life so that you can live as long, healthy of a life possible? If you really, truly want to accomplish your goals then read this “P90X workout schedule” post for beginning to end and TAKE ACTION!Continue reading
Taking your P90X measurements and your P90X before pictures are so so SOOO, very important! This is a critical step that a lot of people skip. They get so excited about starting P90X that they jump right into the workouts without doing the prep work. This is a BIG no no since the people that skip this step are usually the people that end up quitting and not finishing the program (and therefore NOT accomplishing their goals). DON’T become one of those people! Take the 10 or 15 minutes that it takes to do these easy, simple steps so that you are more likely to complete all 90 days of P90X and accomplish your goals whether it be to lose weight, get toned, or even to get ripped and bulked up.
So read on, because I’ll give you a few more reasons why you MUST take your P90X measurements and your P90X before pictures, and I’ll also tell you exactly how to take them.Continue reading