P90X Kenpo X
Today is day 48 of my P90X workout, and I just finished Kenpo X. I really enjoy this workout, but it feels like it is getting too easy! I always try to punch, kick, jab, and block as hard as I can (without banging my joints), and I also do the jumping jacks as fast as I can during the breaks. Even doing those things, the intensity level just isn’t all that high.
I’ve decided that I’m definitely going to go out and purchase some weighted gloves to help increase the intensity. I’m probably just going to go to a local fitness store this weekend and pick a pair up so I’ll have them for Kenpo X next week. I may even buy a pair of ankle weights too. I think this will do the trick in stepping up the intensity with Kenpo X.
Well, it’s basically the end of week 7 and on Sunday I start the Recovery Week. Then the following week I’ll be starting Phase 3 of P90X! I still keep wondering where all the days have gone! I’m extremely excited to get through the Recovery Week so I can retake my measurements, photos, and see what kind of progress I’ve made. For everyone who is doing P90X, keep up the hard work and keep pushing play!!!
Nutrition for today-
Breakfast: Bowl of Fiber One cereal, and a protein shake.
Mid-Morning: Protein shake.
Lunch: Turkey sandwich with extra virgin olive oil dressing.
Mid-Afternoon: P90X Recovery drink and a protein shake after P90X Kenpo X.
Dinner: Tonight my wife and I are going to her church this evening to go to Stations of the Cross (I think that’s what it is called, she is catholic and I’m protestant) and then they are having soup afterwards. I have no clue what kind of soup it’s going to be. I’ll probably have a bowl of Fiber One cereal prior to going to help fill me up some.